The Elf's Lab
transform your thoughts into success



Happy to assist you!

WebSite OneSheet EPK Logo Promos Social Media Postings Header PR Texts 

Business Services Coaching 

 Get your Ideas to Life.

Want your own site? 


design colors inspired by nature

make FIM work

Pure . Highest Quality. Best Workethics.

Let's catch & match ideas!

 I recently was seeking someone to help me with a press kit. It was my lucky day when I was introduced to Bee. She immediately understood my marketing needs and more so, the scope of my business as a whole. She offered invaluable ideas and advice as to how my product should be presented. She then went to work and in a few short short hours, she had created an EPK that blew me away. Her creative ability is second to none. She will make you, your product or service look spectacular all while keeping within a reasonable price point suitable for the average person. So if you are looking for a professional press kit or web design, give Bee a call. I am sure you will be happy you did. I am. Thank you Bee. Dear Jasson, I would like to thank you so very much for the time you took for this amazing review. TheElfsLab is dedicated to providing you and everyone else with only the best there is to offer, it so wonderful to hear that TheElfsLabs skills and ideas helped to make your experience such a positive one! Thank you so very much again, it was such an HONOR working on this EPK, here for you any time! Bee March,10th 2019 

Jasson Finney
#Actor #Author #Fitness Expert

 We at CaughtUpMusicGroup would like to officiallythank Bee and theElfsLab for her hard work creating our company logo and building our website. Caught Up Music Group found heaven when we found Bee. Thank you so much for making us shine we look forward to working with you for many years to come. Rodney E. Burns Dear Rodney, I thank you so very much for the Testimonial and the time you took for writing it. It has been an honor to work on your Companies Logo and Website. The Elf's Lab thanks you so very much for your trust in the ideas provided, TheElf'sLab is dedicated to providing you and everyone else always with only the best there is to offer. It is wonderful to read that the result matches your and your companies expectations and that your experience is such a positive one. I am happy to assist you any time with further projects, Thank you again, Bee The Elf's Lab March 31st, 2019 

Rodney E. Burns
CEO CaughtUpMusicGroup
American Veterans Radio

American Veterans Radio

Peru, Indiana, United States.

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The Underground Show

The Underground Show

The Underground Show Features Interviews and Performances by Artists and Bands Saturday's 6pmPT/9pmET

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will be updated soon. Bee, Dec 21 (Webdesign: The Elf's Lab ©2019 All rights reserved)

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Crazy to Drone

Crazy to Drone

Find amazing Drone Videos & Music created by DJ Steve Oropallo Host of the Underground Livestream Music Show

Learn More

 EPK pg1 for SuperStar DR. JIMMY STAR #CelebrityHost #Influencer #Actor #Author #Producer The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell #1WebTvRadio Show in the World Palm Springs, CA, USA So honored to create EPK for Dr. Star. THANK YOU, you are so special, so inspiring so is all your work. With Gratitude for the Trust in our Abilities, Bee, Bonn, GER 2021 

Dr Jimmy Star (Star Jimmy Official)
CEO WorldStar PR

 EPK pg2 for SuperStar DR. JIMMY STAR #CelebrityHost #Influencer #Actor #Author #Producer Palm Springs, CA, USA So honored to create EPK for Dr. Star. 

DR Jimmy Star
CEO WorldStar PR

 Social Media for RANDY EDELMAN 2021 Photography: Credit to the Owner Thank you, dear Mr Edelmann for the trust in TheElfsLab's abilities and for choosing us, as well for coming back to TheElfLab for UpdateWork. Such an Honor. Bee, Nov & Dec 2021, Bonn, Germany 

Randy Edelman via WorldStar PR I Eileen Shapiro

 2021 Social Media Design MICKEY BURNS Award-winning NYC TV host Mickey Burns of the award-winning “Profiles with Mickey Burns" Thank you for giving the opportunity to TheElfsLab to create this special Announcement. Thy to WorldStar PR, such an Honor. Bee, Bonn, 2021 

Mickey Burns & World Star PR I Eileen Shapiro

 EPK for SuperStar DR. JIMMY STAR #CelebrityHost #Influencer #Actor #Author #Producer Palm Springs, CA, USA So honored to create EPK for Dr. Star. _ Instagram_ Video to find in Showcase. 

DR Jimmy Star
CEO WorldStar PR - Executive Producer of The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Ru

 CaughtUpMusicGroup Instagram Facebook Twitter Social Media Design 


 WebSite DESIGN LOGO Design Social Media Design for CaughtUPMusicGroup 


 Neely Music Promo 


 EPK for Author Jasson Finney's CAPTAIN PUMP The World's First Fitness Superhero 

Jasson Finney

 Part of the work for #Actor #Author #Host #Fitness Expert JASSON FINNEY. ©Foto: Jasson Finney Artwork | EPK by TheElfsLab 2019 All rights reserved. Thank you Jasson Finney, so honored! 


 EPK & Social Media Integration & WebDesign for PopDance Recording Artist Aaron Paul ©EPK: BeeClaudia S. Thank you to Aaron Paul for using my Artwork as well on your current new website, 2019. Photos, Jewelry worn by Aaron Paul, CD Artwork Dance Album: credited on EPK. (Joseph Bogess Photography, Morra Designs, Sasha Sekinger) 

EPK Design for PopDance Recording Artist Aaron Paul, NYC, USA

 Social Media Design for AP Music and Productions, New York, USA, 2018 Header Design | Text TheElfsLab, 2018 ll Photos| Logo : APMusicENT, 2018 


 Social Media Design for Oropallo Productions Moonlight Sessions - The Underground Show San Diego, CA, USA, 2019 Facebook Instagram Twitter | SocialMedia Design 

Oropallo Productions - The Underground Show

 Logo Design for The Elf's Lab Text 

 The Elf's Lab Social Media Header ©2019 The Elf's Lab. All rights reserved. Balloons: Photo by Sven Scheuermeier on Unsplash. 

 Close UP Rocks. Webdesign by BeeClaudia S. The Elf's Lab © 2019 All Rights reserved. 

 Social Media Design for Social Media Workshop Mädchenkonferenz (Girls Conference Germany, 2018) ©2018 TheElfsLab 

Mädchenkonferenz - Lernpraxis Mobile

 Design + Content Photography Artwork Logo Evaluation and Graduation Rehabilitation Paedagogic 2016 by Bee 

Vesbe - BIBB

 Media Project "Manni Möhrchen" Inclusive Media Paedagogic _ Certification Artwork in coop with tjfbg, Berlin, Germany Texts and Photography by Bee 2014 

M o b i l e _ Inclusive Learning Center
tjfbg Berlin - nimm! - BCS
  • Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

About #TheElf image
The ElfL's Lab is run by Bee Claudia S.

Design Freelancer | Web, Social Media, Content Design & PR |
Author | Business Coach & Consultant I Pedagocical Staff Member 


2021 Studienzertifikat I Certification of Studies

Perspektive Integration - Sprache im Beruf 

& Fakultatives Angebote 'Digitales Lernen in beruflichen Kontexten'
(Perspective Integration - 'Language in Professional Work Environments'
& optional offers 'Digital learning in professional contexts'
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Lern more about University of Bonn - PIB

„Blended Learning mit dem vhs-Lernportal“ & Tutoring
Learn more about VHS Bonn

Certified (Inclusive) Media & Paedagogic Professional
(tjfbg Berlin GER | Bonn, GER)
Learn more about

International Certified Vocational Education Specialist Alumn, Brussels, BE | Leonardo da Vinci Innovations Transfer Programm
Learn more about Vocational Education in EU

International Certified Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Specialist
& Media Design Learning Materials
(EÖDL, Kärnten, Austria)
Learn more about IFDDA

Business Operations Management Professional
Business School Alumna (n. IHK)
(Cologne, GER)
Learn more about WIFA


Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, GER
Pädagogische Hochschule, Bonn, GER
FU Hagen, GER
HS Fresenius onlineplus, CGN, GER
Learn more about University of Bonn

Fluent in German, English
Speaks French and Italian

More than 35 yrs of experience.
(f.e. ProSieben SAT1 MedIa | TV, Munich
CEO meinBildungspartner GbR, Bonn,
Stiftung Nachbarschaftshilfe, St. Augustin

Current Location: Bonn, Germany.
Previous Locations: Munich, GER | Amsterdam, NL | Padua, IT | Montpellier, FR

Work submitted to: Globally
Dyslexia - Legasthenie

Gastbeitrag zum Thema Legasthenie - Barriere in Tarnkappe. Dyslexia.

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Das Geheimnis hochbegabter Kinder

Das Geheimnis hochbegabter Kinder (Secrets about talented and gifted children) u a. : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) - Conti-Campus >>

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